Sedbergh International Summer School
Running a good team building session something that some people make look easy – however there is a real art to it.
We think we got it right last summer with students from Sedbergh International Summer School.
Our fourth annual gold D of E expedition through the Great Glen in Scotland
In July we ran our fourth annual gold D of E expedition through the Great Glen in Scotland, with the aim being to cross Scotland from west to east, a sixty mile journey over four days.

Outdoor Learning isn’t a subject or topic; it’s a powerful way of teaching
After 25 years teaching outside the classroom, we absolutely agree. Now more than ever we are increasingly concerned about the physical and emotional well-being of our children and young people, and worried about whether they leave education with the skills and competencies they need for the future.

What’s the impact of the Award so far on children’s learning?
We have been running the Award for over a year now and thought that it might be time to share some of what is actually happening as a result.

5 years of adventure with QKS!
We have been working with Queen Katherine School in Kendal for 5 years now.
The first job was to take over their pre-existing very successful D of E programme as they had reached capacity with their existing staff and way of working.

March 2021 Newsletter
To be honest, we have been so busy over the last 5 years that this website has been neglected!
So, what’s been going on?
Tim writes for British Exploring
Whenever I get a waft of the smell of petrol stoves I am transported back in time 33 years to the Gadsar Valley in Northern India…

September 2019 Newsletter
An Exciting time on July’s Gold D of E expeditions!
The day that school broke up for the summer holidays 4 groups of sixth formers set off to Scotland for their gold D of E expeditions.

December 2015 Newsletter
“Fantastic, relevant and enjoyable – this has been the best Inset day I have ever had!”
We get lots of comments like this from our Enabling Outdoor Learning training days.