December 2015 Newsletter
“Fantastic, relevant and enjoyable – this has been the best Inset day I have ever had!”
We get lots of comments like this from our Enabling Outdoor Learning training days.
Since July we have worked with teachers at Highfield Primary School in Manchester, St Stephen’s Primary School in Blackburn, Kinsley Primary School near Wakefield and Appley Bridge All Saints Primary School near Wigan.
Some more feedback is given below:
‘Engaging, interesting and ideas we can take away – I remember more of today than the majority of ‘sit down’ courses and that just reinforces the whole point. I highly recommend this to others.’
‘It was brilliant – Tim and Anita were very approachable.’
‘Fantastic and very enjoyable – the ideas you gave us today were great.’
‘Fabulous mixture of activities….’
‘Really good – ‘doing’ the activities really helps it stick in your mind – I would recommend it.’
‘Excellent! I feel as if I have discovered a lot and feel motivated to try it out with the children.’
‘I would definitely recommend the training as it is inspiring, kinaesthetic and makes you feel good – just think how it would make pupils!’
‘Use of our environment made it realistic and achievable.’
‘Superb!! Informative and inspiring – thank you.’
‘Exceeded expectations – I would definitely recommend to other schools.’
‘Yes I would recommend this training – it was so refreshing to do something different on our training day.’
52 Pupils achieve bronze award at Pendle Vale College
It started as a conversation around a camp fire with Steve Wilson, Head at Pendle Vale College in Nelson, and grew through a staff residential into a group of motivated teachers who see the need to integrate experiences into what they offer academically at Pendle Vale. The Pendle Vale 50 has been an outcome of this project – a list of 50 experiences that will be on offer for pupils at the school to broaden their horizons and develop a sense of adventure.
Tim has worked to support and also challenge staff; consequently the first successful vehicle for facilitating these experiences has just completed its first year with 52 pupils gaining the Bronze D of E Award, and teachers are now self sufficient in offering this to pupils.
Silver is planned for next year with further camps, adventure and cultural trips – all from a group of teachers who are now empowered to offer this broader educational package.
IOL Summer Gathering the best yet
We again organised the Institute for Outdoor Learning NW Region Summer Gathering – which took place on 11th September. 70 members made the most of the 12 great CPD opportunities with workshops ranging from friction fire lighting to developing resilience.
Other News
We continue to work with the Paul Hamlyn Foundation’s Learning Away Project to help share their research findings.
If you need to justify outdoor education and school residential trips and need examples and case studies from which to draw inspiration, have a look on their website.
We have also been busy over the summer working with Bolton Lads and Girls Club on their National Citizenship Service; Lancashire Primary Schools on their summer residentials; Hexagon Care , providing outdoor education courses, Blackpool Young People’s Service on their Scafell Pike Adventure; and working with NE Lincolnshire Young People’s Service, Kirkbie Kendal School, Queen Katherine School, Kendal, and Withington Girls’ School, Manchester to provide their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programmes.