Adventure Incubator
Adventure Incubator is our unique concept - hatching ideas, nurturing them and growing them to become reality for young people, for you and for your staff teams.
We enjoy running activities for you – however, what we would really like to do is to work with you and your staff team to take your initial thoughts and turn them into whole programmes of outdoor and adventure education over the longer term.
We’d work with you to understand where you currently are in your thinking, where you want to get to, and then use our combined experience to develop a progressive outdoor education programme.
Case Study - Developing a different school experience
Pendle Vale College in Nelson recognised that to give their students the best chance of success, they had to diversify their offering and develop a series of real life experiences that students could pin their learning on.
Pendle Vale commissioned High Points to equip students with real life experiences by developing a sustainable programme of outdoor education for their school. Tim has been working alongside designated members of staff to motivate, inspire, advise, train, shadow and then keep the project moving forward by recommending associates, further trainers, advisers and activity providers.
Two staff residential events have taken place to explore the possibilities provided by learning opportunities outside the classroom, to experience and examine a range of activities which are not provided by the traditional curriculum and to start the process of building self-reliance, resilience and team work skills amongst students.
Adventurous programmes for each residential gave a context to look at a syllabus, which included:
Experiencing and evaluating activities – exploring and developing ideas.
Examining and discussing the variety of roles the teacher might need to take when implementing a programme of outdoor and adventurous activities.
Designing and developing your own programme, commissioning and liaising with providers and managing a programme.
Identifying relevant significant hazards and the importance of implementing control measures.
Supervision and group management strategies whilst on and off activity; on an off-site walk; on non-planned activities.
Principles and theory of outdoor education – comfort zones, support versus challenge, leadership continuum.
Experiential problem solving and team development tasks.
“70% of students from private schools with the same grades are generally admitted to top universities compared to 50% from state schools. The key difference is personal statements, testifying to vast differences in cultural capital and experience.”
Will Hutton – Former editor of the Observer, journalist and Principal of Hartford College, Oxford – 2014
“Tim worked with us to help really kick start the whole agenda of adventure and out-of-classroom learning at Pendle Vale. His knowledge and experience have really helped our staff to consider what might be possible with young people, whilst at the same time facilitating an ongoing debate about how these experiences really add value. Tim knows what questions to ask and has a real focus on making a programme sustainable within schools – not just reliant on outside help. We were able to take 12 staff away on an excellent residential to look at the possibilities of outdoor learning and the inspiration of this weekend and the subsequent discussions has led to us running Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, in a sustainable way, in school for over 70 young people.
Tim fully understands the standards agenda that drives schools and has a genuine and focused approach to making sure that any outdoor or adventure programme enhances this. We hope to continue to work with Tim, and his network of other outdoor professionals, to continue our journey for time to come.”
Steve Wilson - Head, Pendle Vale College
Why might you need us?
If you recognise any of the following concerns then we can help…
I want to introduce a range of real life experiences for my pupils but I don’t know where to start.
I want to try new ways of managing behaviour.
I want to motivate my staff.
It’s dangerous isn’t it – how do I manage the risk?
I’m not sure what I am allowed to do.
How do I justify what I want to do to parents and governors?
I would like to use a provider but they need to be the right provider….
Adventure Incubator testimonials